The projects that the Catalan Cooperation promotes in Gambia and Senegal have met virtually with their Catalan counterparts and with the Catalan Development Cooperation Agency (ACCD) during a seminar dedicated to working on the different approaches to facilitate human rights and gender in the region.
Among the participants, Dr. Adama Bah , and Jordi Tolrà , local and project director respectively of the “No Woman Left Behind” initiative that ITTOG and Aethnic promote in Gambia to train women in vulnerable situations as professionals in responsible and sustainable tourism (TRS)
The objectives of the meeting were
– Foster a joint space with strategic entities for the ACCD (Catalan NGOs and local and international partners) in Senegal and Gambia to exchange experiences, lines of work and lessons learned.
– Promote the basis for establishing synergies for future collaborations between the participating entities and bodies.
– Collect ideas from the entities involved to establish future country strategic lines.
The meeting was opened by the director of the ACCD, Carme Gual, and included the following program:
Experiences Women’s rights: Life free from violence and DSIR
* Network of Solidarity Consumption and USOFORAL
* Gune Foundation and Association Guné de Kolda
* Institute of Inequalities and Association des Jurists Senegalaises (AJS)
* AIDA and Association des Jurists Senegalaises (AJS)
* Wasu Foundation and Wasu Gambia Kafo
Experiences Local and regional women’s fund
* Pikine Women’s Seeds and Funds (Dakar)
* Urgent Action Fund and Women Global Entrepreneurship (JGEN)
Food Sovereignty and Sustainability experiences
* Catalan Cooperation Fund and FODDE
* Ace Ethnic and ITTOG
* Gune Foundation and Association Guné de Kolda