New kitchen for the No Woman Left Behind project in Gambia

Refrigerators, freezers, irons, stoves, ovens, kitchen tables… a complete equipment that ITTOG has acquired with the co-financing of the project that Aethnic manages with the support of the Catalan Cooperation Agency of the Generalitat.

The new kitchen consists of 15 different elements. It serves to give training sessions related to food handling and the production of typical Gambian gastronomic specialties.

In this way, the students will be able to create and market their own artisanal gastronomic products once the course is over.

The course, which started in April 2021, is progressing at a good pace. 30 students are participating, all of them women who have been selected with the support of the Gambia’s Gender platform from particularly vulnerable areas and groups in the country.

It consists of modules related to the principles of responsible and sustainable tourism, tourism management, the creation and handling of traditional foods and their marketing, and a specific module, which will be taught by the Gender Platform, on human and gender rights, which has to serve the participants so that they can face their professional future without fear of doing so because of the fact that they are women and come from a particularly vulnerable situation.