The Atehnic Network extends to three new vegueries and already has a presence throughout Catalonia

Since January, the Aethnic team has been working hard to bring the La Xarxa project to all corners of Catalonia.

Thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the initiative of La Xarxa, which seeks to weave an alternative tourist offer based on Social Economy criteria, spreads its wings and gains a presence in three new towns: the Terres de l’Ebre, the Camp de Tarragona, and the Terres de Lleida.

To do this, La Xarxa bases its actions on the results of preliminary investigations carried out around the tourist realities of each place. Through the data presented by the Tourism Boards of the Provincial Governments of Lleida and Tarragona, and the respective strategic plans of the destinations, Aethnic draws specific lines that support ideas such as: “put value to local products”; “increase the food and wine and cultural proposals”; “promote tourism that improves the quality of life of residents”; “de-seasonalize the offer by highlighting lesser-known products”; or “looking for a more respectful visitor profile willing to get to know the territory in depth”.

All the experiences that Aethnic co creates with local agents in the territory become part of the La Xarxa marketplace; a digital platform that brings together the offer of Tourism and ESS of Catalonia, and that offers the opportunity to rediscover the territory from the perspective of environmental responsibility and social justice.

Recently, the La Xarxa team has incorporated unique experiences from the Terres de l’Ebre, the Camp de Tarragona, and the Terres de Lleida. Discover them through this link .