Ethnic Social Balance

The Social Balance of Aethnic 2024.

Conference 2024. "We envision the future of tourism: for a committed Barcelona"

The Program of the Day.

November 27, 2024.

Materials of the speakers.

November 27, 2024.


The Program of the Day.

November 27, 2024.

The Save The Date of the Conference.

November 27, 2024.

Gender perspective and the LGBTIQ+ group

Training materials.

LGBT Tourism Training 2024.

Report "Gender perspective and LGBTIQ+ collective, an inclusion challenge for the Barcelona tourism sector"

Infographic "Gender perspective and LGBTIQ+ collective, an inclusion challenge for the Barcelona tourism sector"

Project presentation.

Gender perspective and the LGBTIQ+ group: a challenge of inclusion in Barcelona's tourism sector.

Presentations Day 2023. "Tourism and the City for a socially responsible regenerative model"

Report of the Conference.



Experiences rooted in the territory for a tourism model at the service of the country.

Mr. Joan Morales,

Director of the magazine "Descobrir Catalunya".

Overcoming communication barriers for responsible and conscious tourism.

Mrs. Elia Sala,

Translator specialized in digital internationalization of brands and consultant and trainer in accessible communication.

Universal accessibility and labor inclusion: a reference case in the hotel sector.

Mrs. Sonia Bondia,

Director Ilunion Barcelona.

A new tourism model for Barcelona: urgent challenges from the neighborhood.

Mr. Pere Marine,

Representative of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Barcelona (FAVB).

Tourism and Social and Solidarity Economy, dignity of tourism work.

Mr. Martin Habiague,

General manager of Mescladís.

Challenges of urban tourism towards the climate emergency.

Mr. Alejandro González,

Eco-union coordinator.

The Save the Date.

November 14, 2023.

Urban tourism and tourist saturation, proposals for conscious management.

Mr. Claudio Milan,

Doctor in social and cultural anthropology.

The Program of the Day.

November 14, 2023.

Tourist activity and the regenerative development of the territory.

Mr. Gerard Costa,

CEO of Anigami Experiences, director of the Natural Sanctuaries project and co-founder of Miceli Social.

Flanders: Travel to Tomorrow, towards a thriving destination.

Mr. Jan Van de Meerssche,

Local director of the Visit Flanders Office in Barcelona.


Tourism and the city, towards a regenerative and innovative model.

Mrs. Anna Alaman,

Founder of Open Eyes Travel and Open Eyes Academy.

Inaugural speech How do we approach the debate on the transformation of tourism in Barcelona?

Mr. Ernest Canada,

Coordinator of Alba Sud.


The Climate Route

Project presentation.

The Climate Route.


Save The Date.

Conference "Tourism and Social Economy".

Project presentation.

TourismESS Ecosystem; a transformation proposal for the city of Barcelona.

TOURISM: Social and Solidarity Economy and tourism in Catalonia.

Results of the Diagnosis (Author: Alba Sud).

Resource guide to promote sustainable tourism in the city.

Updated guide, 2024.

TurismESS Hackathon in Action!

Learn about the challenges of the TurismESS Hackathon (16/10/24).

What should the TourismESS Value Chain look like?

Work Session, December 2024.

Hackathon results "TurismESS in Action!".

October 16, 2024.

Project presentation.

TourismESS; impulse of a new regenerative model rooted in the Catalan territory.

Tourism Consulting Services

Services for Public Administration.

Services for networks, groups and entities of the ESS.

The Aethnic Network

Report: Intercooperation Session "Tourism and SSE, towards a transforming ecosystem".

October 24, 2023.

Intercooperation session in the framework of La Xarxa (Save the Date)

October 24, 2023.

Intercooperation session within the framework of The Network (The Program)

October 24, 2023.

The Network for Groups

How to be part of it?

The Experiences Network (ENG)

Experiences of La Xarxa (CAT)

The Network Criteria

The Network Manifesto

Presentation of La Xarxa

Presentations of our projects

Report 2023

Co-creation Workshop I (2021)

Co-creation Workshop II (2021)

Poblenou Accessible Tourism Guide (2023)

Report: Good practices in accessibility (2023)


Report: Working Session "Accessible Tourism in Poblenou" (2023)

Poblenou Responsible Tourism (2021)

Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Network of Barcelona (2022)

Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Network of Catalonia (2022)

Responsible and Sustainable Tourism

ODS query sources

Biosphere ESP

Biosphere CAT

World Charter TS

Agenda 2030 CAT

Advisory Council

Barcelona TS

Catalan Agency

Declaration to promote the ecological transition of tourism

TRS query sources

Presentations Day 2022. "Responsible Tourism and Ecological Transition"

Responsible tourism as a driver for the revaluation of rural and peri-urban environments.
Mrs. Anna Pijuan,
Member of Mas Casas Cruïlles.

Inclusive tourism and sustainable mobility.
Mr. Ramon Furriols,
Executive Director of Project Aurora.

Tourism, identity and heritage.
Mrs. Agia Luna,
Director of Artichoke.

Inclusive tourism and food sovereignty.
Mrs. Valle Grande and Eli Vico,
La Sínia Occupational Center.

Responsible tourism models for the configuration of resilient destinations.
Mr. Francis Cots,
Senior Consultant on Climate Change and Urban Ecology at Eco-Union

New models for the dignity of tourism work.
Mr. Raul Valls,
Coordinator - Researcher in Albasud Tourism.

Identity and territory, tourism as a driving force.
Mrs. I looked at Bosch,
Inter-cooperation and contents of OPTIONS.

Tourism and gender justice, the bases of responsible tourism.
Mrs. Núria Abellan,
Coordinator of the Master's in LGBT Tourism, teacher and researcher at CETT-UB.

Challenges and opportunities for the articulation of a tourism ecosystem in SSE key.
Mrs. Laura Hernandez,
Partner of Calidoscoop SCCL.

Proximity tourism as a motor towards the ecosocial transition.
Mrs. Immaculate Diaz,
Professor and researcher in tourism and geography. TUDISTAR research group.

The Social and Solidarity Economy as a model for the socio-ecological transition.
Mr. Guillem Llorens,
President of the Social Economy Association of Catalonia (AESCAT).

Tourism, a strategic sector for a city committed to the ESS #ESSBCN2030.
Mr. Alvaro Porro,
Commissioner for Social Economy, Local Development and Food Policy of Barcelona City Council.

Tourism and Social and Solidarity Economy, strategies for a change of model from cooperativeism.
Mrs. Roser Hernandez,
Deputy Director General of Social Economy, Third Sector and Cooperatives.

The reconciliation of the tourist ecosystem in Barcelona, a success story.
Mrs. Macarena Bergada,
President of AGUICAT (Association of Guides of Catalonia).

Challenges of adapting tourism to the SDGs to promote the ecological transition.
Mr. Daniel Imbert, Teacher and Researcher in Tourism and Territory at the CETT-UB Campus.

Creativity and innovation, the construction of new tourist imaginaries in Barcelona.
Mr. Xavier Suñol,
Director of Tourism and Creative Industries. Barcelona City Council.

Tourism in Catalonia. Current situation, ongoing plans and future prospects. Where are we and where are we going?
Mrs. Marta Domènech,
Director General of Tourism of Catalonia. Government of Catalonia.

What do we mean when we talk about "responsible and sustainable tourism"? The sector's response to contemporary challenges.
Mr. Jose Antonio Donaire,
Doctor in Geography and Professor at the Faculty of Tourism of the UdG.

Mrs. Marta Domènech
Director General of Tourism of Catalonia. Government of Catalonia.

The Save the Date

The Pre-Program

Presentations Day 2021. "Sustainable Tourism"

TRS innovative projects
Clara Soler,
Darn, Darn

TRS innovative projects
Anna Higueras,
Neighborhoods that grind

The future of tourism in Poblenou and Barcelona
Santiago Hernandez,
President Barcelona Forum District.

Poblenou Responsible Tourism
Jordi De Mier,
The Poblenou brewery.

Poblenou Responsible Tourism.
Jordi Tolrà,
Project manager Ass. Ethnic.

Presentation of the TurismESS project.
Jesus Martin
President Ethnic Association.

TRS innovative projects
Noelia Losantos,

Calidoscoop: a reference experience.
Laura Hernandez
Cooperative Calidoscoop.

Innovative projects
Daniel Gutierrez,

Challenges to the SDGs.
Felisa Palacio,
Travel Tarannà.

Challenges to the SDGs.
Martí Sarrate,
President of ACAVE.

What does TRS mean?
Xavier Font,
Head of Tourism services
of the Provincial Council of Barcelona.

Tourism in Barcelona.
Xavier Suñol,
Barcelona City Council Tourism Directorate.

The future of tourism in Poblenou and Barcelona
Miguel Lopez,
President of the Commercial Center of Poblenou.

Presentations Conference International Tourism, Sustainability, Human and Gender Rights

International tourism and human and gender rights, the experience of the private sector. Felisa Palacio, Director of Tarannà Viatges.

Tourism in the 2030 agenda, post-Covid challenges and opportunities. Antje Monshausen, Representative of Tourism Watch.

The SDGs in tourism, current challenges in the sector. Dr. Oscar Casanovas, Academic Director of the CETT-UB Campus Tourism Degree.

Responsible tourism as an agent of global change: the case of Gambia. Jordi Tolrà, Project Director at the Ethnic Association.

Violation of rights and gender inequality in the Gambia, current challenges. Dr. Adriana Kaplan, Director of the Wassu Foundation.

Cooperation and tourism, a model of coexistence based on human rights. Joan Ribas, Resp. African and Mediterranean Area of the Catalan Cooperation Fund (FCCD).

BestAfrica, Sustainable tourism and entrepreneurship as a tool to promote the ODS. Gabriel Viloria, Santander Foundation BestAfrica Program.

Tourism and gender justice, the bases of responsible tourism. Prof. Núria Abellan, CETT-UB

Challenges for a transformation of tourism with a perspective of Global Justice. Initial intervention: Dr. Ernest Cañada, Coordinator of Alba Sud

Opening Conference Ms. Carme Gual, ACCD Director

Photo exhibition: Tourism and SDGs, an engine for inclusive development in The Gambia

Tourism and SDGs, an engine for inclusive development in The Gambia.

Presentations project "No Women Left behind"

Summary Study Plan NWLB Project

Training course NWLB

Start of course NWLB


NWLB Briefing

Presentation NLWB-ENG

NWLB-CAT presentation

Results NWLB Project

NWLB brochure