Workshop on co-creation of Responsible and Sustainable Tourism (TRS) projects

From the Ethnic Association (Aethnic) and with the support of Barcelona City Council, we have organized the Co-creation and Co-design Workshop for Responsible Tourism Experiences with the aim of offering tools and practical knowledge to co-create products and services responsible tourists.

This online workshop is part of the Responsible Tourism Network-Pilot Poblenou project within the framework of the Impulsem el Que Fas initiative and is part of Aethnic’s local projects, which aim to promote a new tourism model for the city of Barcelona that is based on the criteria of Responsible and Sustainable Tourism (TRS) and the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS).

The common goal of both initiatives is to weave a Sustainable Tourism Network committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.

Therefore, this Workshop on Co-Creation and Co-Design of Responsible Tourism Experiences aims to offer the collaborating entities of the project a series of practical materials for create, adapt and/or improve tourist experiences that generate wealth at local level, reduce social inequalities and fight against the effects of climate change.

In this context, the course adopts an eminently practical approach so that the participants can exhibit their creations and generate synergies with the other attendees. In this way, the workshop is aimed at all those entities and companies that want to create or improve their tourism products and services based on criteria of responsibility and sustainability .

If you want to participate in our online workshop, you can confirm your attendance using this registration link:

Places are limited, the registration period ends on 09/22.

Once attendance is confirmed, we will send you the documentation for the workshop as well as the link to the platform to be able to participate.

We are waiting for you next September 29 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.!